Rab. Sep 18th, 2024

Pelatihan ini akan dilaksanakan di:

Hotel Aston Tropicana* Jl. Cihampelas Bandung

Hotel Papandayan* Jl. Gatot Subroto No.83 Bandung

Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Pelatihan ini dijadwalkan beberapa kali selama tahun 2012, yaitu pada:

Selasa-Kamis, 10-12 Juli 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 24-26 Juli 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 7-9 Agustus 2012

Rabu-Jumat, 29-31 Agustus 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 11-13 September 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 25-27 September 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 2-4 Oktober 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 16-18 Oktober 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 6-8 November 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 27-29 November 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 11-13 Desember 2012

Rabu-Jum’at, 26-28 Desember 2012


Competence (or competency), in the technical sense used in recent corporate human resources thought, is the cluster of skills, abilities, habits, character traits, and  knowledge a person must have in order to perform a specific job well. For instance, management competency includes the traits of systems thinking and emotional intelligence, and skills in influence and negotiation. A person possesses a competence as long as the skills, abilities, and knowledge that constitute that competence are a part of him, enabling the person to perform effective action within a certain workplace environment. Therefore, one might not lose knowledge, a skill, or an ability, but still lose a competence if what is needed to do a job well changes.


  1. Tried and tested analysis methods for a training problem specification (i.e., methods which do not consider a computer based realization);
  2. Analysis methods for task decomposition, expertise classification and trainee characterization (i.e., methods which consider a model-based computer based realization);
  3. Design methods for intelligent training system realization which separate what is to be taught (called subject expertise) from the way that it is to be taught (called training expertise); and
  4. Design methods for realization of expert and trainer agents which consider multiple modeling dimensions at a conceptual level and a software implementation level.


Drs. Psi. Yono Budhiono, MBA., M.Si


Training section head, Human resources staffs


Multimedia, Group Discussion, Role Play, Case Study


  • Training Kit ( Tas seminar, ATK, Handout)
  • Certificate Dago Consultant
  • Meeting room Hotel ****
  • 2x Coffee Break and Lunch per day
  • Souvenir
  • Special Dinner
  • City Tour


Office :
Jl. Dago 367 Bandung 40198
Phone           : 022 – 2500928

Fax              : 022 – 2500928

Contact Person :

Mobile          : 0822 2728 1330

PIN BB         : 73FEC7B5

Email           : detha@dagoconsultant.com

website        :   http://www.dagoconsultant.com

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