Jum. Des 13th, 2024

Pelatihan ini akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Papandayan Bandung.

Selasa-Kamis, 25-27 September 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 2-4 Oktober 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 16-18 Oktober 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 6-8 November 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 27-29 November 2012

Selasa-Kamis, 11-13 Desember 2012

Rabu-Jum’at, 26-28 Desember 2012



Era perdagangan global telahmembukapeluangparaeksportiruntukmelakukanperdagangan di seluruhpenjurudunia. Jalurlautdalamhaliniumumdigunakanyaknidengankapal cargo karenamampumemuatbanyakmuatan. Namunmengangkutbarangdarisatutempatketempatlainnyabaikmelaluiudara, lautdandaratmengandungunsurresiko yang perludiantisipasi. Selamadalampengangkutan di perjalanan, seringkaliterjadikerusakandanataukerugian. Apalagiproses pengangkutanbarangtidaksepenuhnyadiketahuiolehAnda yang mengirimkanbarang. OlehkarenanyaparapelakuperdaganganmembutuhkanAsuransiPengangkutanBarang (Marine Cargo Insurance) yang memberikanasuransiataskehilanganataukerusakanbarang-barangselamapengangkutan. Dengan kata lain, AsuransiPengangkutanBarangsangatduperlukanuntukmenjaminkerugianataukerusakanbarang yang timbulpadasaatpengangkutanmelaluilaut, darat, maupunudaradaritempatasalpengirimanbarangketempattujuan yang disebutkan di dalam polis pertanggunganAsuransi Marine Cargo.


Pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pemahaman bagi peserta terkait prosedur yang digunakan dalam pengirimankargodalam perdagangan internasional, sekaliguspencegahankerugian selama pengiriman melaluipenjaminankargo.


1.  Introduction to Marine Cargo Insurance
2.  Insured’s Knowledge Of Marine Insurance
3.  Types Of Coverage

  • Total Loss Only (TLO)
  • Institute Cargo Clause “C” (ICC”C”)
  • Institute Cargo Clause “B” (ICC”B”)
  • Institute Cargo Clause “A” (ICC”A”)
  • Land and Air Transit Clause Cover A
  • Land and Air Transit Clause Cover B
  • Optional Coverage

4.  Sum Insured

  • Price of Goods (Cost / Price)
  • Cost of Freight
  • Insurance Premium
  • Imaginary Profit

5.  Surveyor

  • Cargo Surveyor
  • Marine Surveyor
  • Independent Surveyor

6.  Adjuster

  • Loss Adjuster
  • Average Adjuster

7.  Cargo Risk Assessment
8.  General Average
9.  War And Strikes Insurance (Hull, Cargo and P&I)
10. Commercial Vessel Types and Insurance Issues
11. Marine Hull Insurance For Ocean-Going Vessels
12. MarineProtection & Indemnity Claim s
13. Shipping Financier Protections
14. Marine Reinsurance
15. Practical exercises


Nico Lukum, Dipl.Inc.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in the English language and a holder of a Diploma in Insurance from Glasgow College (Caledonian University) Glasgow Scotland, majoring in marine hull, marine cargo and English law. He also holds a degree from the Chartered Insurance Institute, London, and is a member of the Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII) London.

He worked for a government general insurance company for 25 years as an underwriter and a claims officer with his last position being the general manager in a holding company with 5 years experience as the technical director in the sister company.

Since he retired in the year 2002, he has been working as a technical advisor of Government Export Insurance Company (ASEI). During his long service in the Insurance Industry he has been a frequent speaker in hull or cargo insurance seminars, focusing on underwriting or claims handling. He has also quite often lectured in marine hull and cargo insurance courses.

A professional writer, he has written and published reference books on marine hull and cargo. His extensive knowledge of and expertise in hull and cargo insurance has enhanced his position as an expert in the general insurance industry and loss adjusting field as well.


  • Ships Agents, Importers, Exporters, Manufacturers & Distributors, Clearing Forwarding & Insurance fraternity
  • Risk Managers, Brokers, Insurers, Loss Adjustors and Marine Surveyors



Multimedia, Group Discussion, Role Play, Case Study


  • Training Kit ( Tas seminar, ATK, Handout)
  • Sertifikat Dago Consultant
  • Meeting room Hotel ******
  • 2x Coffee Break and Lunch per hari
  • Souvenir Exclusive: Jaket, Backpack, Mug, Flash disk berisi softfile materi
  • Special Dinner*


Office :
Jl. Dago 367 Bandung 40198
Phone           : 022 – 2500928

Fax              : 022 – 2500928

Contact Person :

Mobile          : 0822 2728 1330

PIN BB         : 73FEC7B5

Email           : detha@dagoconsultant.com

website        :   http://www.dagoconsultant.com

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