Ming. Jan 26th, 2025

Pelatihan ini akan dilaksanakan di Hotel Aston Tropicana atau The Papandayan Hotel Bandung.

Pelatihan ini dijadwalkan beberapa kali selama tahun 2012, yaitu pada:

03 – 06 Juli 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

17 – 20 Juli 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

31 Juli – 03 Agustus 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

11 – 14 September 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

25 – 28 September 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

09 – 12 Oktober 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

30 Oktober – 02 November 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

20 – 23 November 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

11 – 14 Desember 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)

26 – 29 Desember 2012 (Rabu – Sabtu)


In our private lives, we all buy goods and services almost every day. We do so usually but not always without any problems. If there are problems, then we are protected by a raft of consumer legislation which helps take some of the sting out of caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). Protection is not perfect but it is there and it is supplemented by a number of voluntary codes of conduct practiced by customer focused vendors. In business to business buying and selling transactions, however, such buyer friendly legislation either does not exist or is much more limited in its scope. Moreover, many vendor organizations have a much more hard nosed approach to their customers. The importance of power in a relationship is much more evident and so is the vendor organization’s use of its power to more aggressively protect itself.

The consequences of poor procurement of goods and services can be more evident. Consumers buy relatively few things which are seriously likely to damage their wealth if they buy badly (examples are a home, a pension, may be a savings plan and a loan scheme). Organizations buy critical goods and services much more frequently and they can be are put out of business by the cost of a poor procurement.


Through a critical linkage of leading-edge concepts and best practices, participants will acquire the knowledge & skills to effectively manage the procurement function. The topics covered will include:

  1. The concept of strategic & operational procurement management
  2. How to craft procurement strategies, plans and programs
  3. How to develop the proper procurement organization, policies, systems and procedures
  4. How to determine the required procurement manpower requirement-composition,  competency & quantity
  5. Managing purchasing operations
  6. Managing project procurement
  7. Managing vendor relations
  8. Tender management
  9. Contract management
  1. Warehouse management
  2. Delivery / distribution / logistic management
  3. Managing procurement information management system


Yulianto P. Krisologus & Team

(Expert and experience in operational and logistic management. Active as a course instructor in many related seminars.)


Procurement Managers/ Senior Officers, Purchasing Managers/ Senior Officers, Contract Administration Managers/ Officers, Project Managers/ Engineers/ Officers, Those who are groomed for above positions.


¨  Presentation

¨  Discuss

¨  Case Study     

¨  Evaluation

¨  Simulation


  • Training Kit ( Tas seminar, ATK, Handout)
  • Sertifikat Dago Consultant
  • Meeting room Hotel ****
  • 2x Coffee Break and Lunch per hari
  • Souvenir
  • Special Dinner
  • City Tour


Office :
 Jl. Dago 367 Bandung 40198
Phone   : 022 – 61620095

Fax       : 022 – 2500928

Contact Person :
Erny     (0852.1564.1214)  /  (0857.2262.6919)

Dwi      (0852.1564.1215)  /  (0852.2163.1673)

Email    :




Website :www.dagoconsultant.com

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