Pelatihan ini akan dilaksanakan di:
Hotel Aston Tropicana* Jl. Cihampelas Bandung
Hotel Papandayan* Jl. Gatot Subroto No.83 Bandung
Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Pelatihan ini dijadwalkan beberapa kali selama tahun 2012, yaitu pada:
03 – 06 Juli 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
17 – 20 Juli 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
31 Juli – 03 Agustus 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
11 – 14 September 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
25 – 28 September 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
09 – 12 Oktober 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
30 Oktober – 02 November 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
20 – 23 November 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
11 – 14 Desember 2012 (Selasa – Jumat)
26 – 29 Desember 2012 (Rabu – Sabtu)
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or assembly process, or a product or service.
“Failure modes” means the ways, or modes, in which something might fail. Failures are any errors or defects, especially ones that affect the customer, and can be potential or actual. “Effects analysis” refers to studying the consequences of those failures. Failures are prioritized according to how serious their consequences are, how frequently they occur and how easily they can be detected. The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the highest-priority ones. Failure modes and effects analysis also documents current knowledge and actions about the risks of failures, for use in continuous improvement. FMEA is used during design to prevent failures. Later it’s used for control, before and during ongoing operation of the process. Ideally, FMEA begins during the earliest conceptual stages of design and continues throughout the life of the product or service.
After complete this course program, participants will be able to:
- Identify the potential failures and the associated relative risks designed into a product or process
- Prioritize action plans to reduce those potential failures with the highest relative risk, and
- Track and evaluate the results of the action plans.
- Introduction
- Logical Technique
- To identify and eliminate cause of failure
- To establish the models of failure
- The effects of failure
- Establish the risks
2. Why do companies use FMEAs?
3. How can FMEAs help companies improve quality and productivity?
4. How does an FMEAs work?
5. How are FMEAs conducted?
6. Benefit of the application of FMEA
7. Some mistakes companies make when they use FMEAs
8. How can my company get started using FMEAs?
9. The best way to teach people how to conduct FMEAs
Agus Jayatun, Ir, MT.
He has experience more than 10 years as an associate consultant for several companies in mechanical and industrial engineering field. Controlled areas of expertise includetheCentrifugal Pumps, Compressor, Boiler, Maintenance Management, Total Alignment and Balancing, Mechanical Power Transmission, Pipeline design, construction and maintenance, Control Valve, Rotating Equipment, Bearing, Lubrication, Vibration analysis and diagnostic.
- IT Managers
- Security Managers
- Auditing Staffs
- IT Operation Staffs
- Researcher, Developer, Designer, Manufacturer or Quality Person.
- The person who knows product or process best
- Training Kit ( Tas seminar, ATK, Handout)
- Certificate Dago Consultant
- Meeting room Hotel ****
- 2x Coffee Break and Lunch per day
- Souvenir
- Special Dinner
- City Tour
Dago Consultant
Jl. Dago 367 Bandung 40198
Phone/Fax : 022 – 2500928 / 022 – 61465506
Contact Person:
Mobile : 0822 2728 1330 / 088 1265 3850
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